Friday, December 07, 2007

12/4 - Rio Trancura Alto, Pucon, Chile

The Rio Trancura is the most popular comercial run outside of Pucon, Chile. Although the river is not particularly difficult, its proximity to Pucon and easy shuttle make it a popular run for the locals, and for commercial guests.

The river really only has 5 rapids and one portage. The rapids are all big water, pool-drop style. The first rapid is a huge horizon line after the tranquil first 1/4 mile. This can be run any which way, but has an easy tounge down the middle, or a tricky boulder dodge to the far left. The second rapid is the most difficult. The river splits around an island, and then drops significantly. The run is to the right of the island. The river then goes over/next to a huge boulder in the middle. You want to dodge right of the rock because behind it is a huge wave-hole that pushes into the right wall which is sieved out. Emma accidentally went into the sieved out part and swam through the sieve in her boat! Andy roped her from the rocks above, but it isn´t recomended. Stay left here.

The left channel in the second rapid re-enters below the rapid.
Looking back up at the second rapid, you can see the sieve on the left (river right)
The third rapid is a huge hole with a clean line down the left side. There are some big powerful waves and hydraulcs as you drop into the whiteness, but it is super clean. If you look back upstream from below this rapid, you can see the Pucon Volcano in the backdrop with the river. A beautiful spot.
Below this is the forth rapid (portage) followed by the fifth rapid. The portage is fairly obvious with a huge amount of gradient. You can boof the entrance drop to the left and then float down alongside the gnar before getting out to carry the main part of the drop. If you blow this boof, you would likely run the gnarly Class V+ portage rapid.
After the portage, you have one more big water Class IV+ rapid that is most easily run down the left side. You can takeout at the Trancura Rafting company on the right or at the bridge below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This is a nice post. There aren't any photos up though. Maybe they need to be reloaded?

Keep up the entries. Your river running looks grand!
