Saturday, October 20, 2007

10/20 - Rio Colca, Day 4

Day 4 on the Colca began with mellow Class III boulder gardens and shallow rapids for a few hours. We began to see signs of civilization including some bridges, concrete constructions, and people fishing in the river. It took about 3 hours to reach out takeout on river right. We had to carry all the gear up a steep hill to Garabato who was waiting for us with the Garabtomobile.

Our next stop was in town for food for the long ride ahead to the Cotahuasi.

After our first food stop we climbed up a huge mountain pass to a small town. We stopped in this other town to pick up avocado and bread for the last haul across the altiplano. It was stellar.

We crossed over a high pass right next to Coropurna, a huge volcano close to 20,000 feet high. Our pass was in the 15k foot range, cold, thin air. We saw packs of wild llamas, and Todd was really sick from the altitude.

We arrived in Coatahuasi around 10pm to an expensive hostal, unrest with group about sleeping arrangement and accomodation, and finally settled with great soup in the hostal.

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